About me

Hey! Welcome to this HUB page about the human mostly known online as "monokoma". My name is Luca, I was born in Italy in 1983, the same year in which the legendary videogame crash reset the gaming industry in North America. Many years passed and I’m currently living with my girlfriend near Lake of Como (still in Italy), trying to live doing what i love the most: playing videogames, listening to spastic music, reading interesting books and manga, watching weird movies, scratching my hands while skateboarding, cultivating our home garden, helping people with their websites, drawing comics no one will ever read, researching about less known topics i like and sharing what i found with the world. With efforts, patience and downshifting I'm trying to find my way to live free from a traditional job, to spend my (short) time in this world following what really makes me happy. As wrote by Guy Debord in 1953 on a wall on the Rue de Seine: “Ne Travaillez Jamais”.
While I published my first website in 1998 and used many different nicknames online during the late ‘90s and early ‘00s (SNES, NeSs, mono, mononess), I chose my beloved nickname “monokoma” in 2003. What does it mean? It’s a long story, but to make it short the name is composed of “mono” from Ancient Greek μόνος (mónos) as in “alone”, “only”, "one against many", “unique”, plus “koma” from Ancient Greek κῶμα (kôma) as in “deep sleep”, “lethargy”, “i never sleep enough” and “i’m probably not listening to you right now and thinking about something random”. Also, this name combination was marked as Pinkal (Type B) in Phantasy Star Online Ep I&II SectionID system, a name i needed to find better magic items and weapons for my never-forgotten FOrce character.
Since the late ‘90s i keep writing online, publishing content, researching about obscure games, manga, movies and music. Here you can find a summary with my current projects, major websites, contacts and random info.
Latest & active projects

freelance web & seo


Games You Will Never Play


Amazon Associates



Weird Games for You

4+ Multiplayer

Random Books

future plans
Archives & old stuff
Just a few old projects and activities i spent my time on years ago

Last.fm page + Sample songs

consume your city
Consume Your City

pixel art
I Am Not a Pixel Artist

alternative marketing
Nuovo Marketing

old photos & drawings

early ’00s sounds
Sample songs

rare loot & lv-up
Rarelootandlevelup Blog

#ecrew mirc archive
#ecrew mIRC archive

ecrew photos
ecrew Multiplayer Photos

Heta-Uma Jiyu No Tabi

rainbow kats
Rainbow Kats

links collection